The following outlines Norridge/Harwood Heights Little League Code of Conduct for Managers, Coaches, Players and Parents. The National Headquarters of Little League Baseball, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, provides it to ensure all participants understand and practice principles of behavior that support the purpose of Little League baseball as identified:
“Little League is a program of service to youth. It is geared to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participation. The movement is dedicated to helping children become good and decent citizens. It strives to inspire them with a goal and to enrich their lives towards the day when they must take their places in the world. It establishes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.”
In light of this, the following Code of Conduct is designed to instill and maintain the highest level of sportsmanship, integrity, fairness and professionalism in the Norridge/Harwood Heights Little League program. All participants (Managers, Coaches, Parents and Players) accept responsibility for adhering to the Code of Conduct upon registration into Norridge/Harwood Heights Little League.
Every player will:
present exemplary behavior during all Little League and/or related activities
display and encourage sportsmanship at all times
demonstrate respect to Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Team Moms and other players
According to Little League Baseball, “It cannot be stated too strongly that qualified adult volunteers must be enlisted as team managers and coaches. It is not enough that candidates for these important roles have previous experience in the game. Managers and coaches must possess leadership ability and the know-how to work with young children.”
Every manager and coach will:
present an image of professionalism and competency, to include dress and appearance.
present exemplary behavior during all Little League and/or related activities
demonstrate enthusiasm, honesty and respect for the game, which necessarily includes fair play
comply with established game, League and National Little League rules
display and encourage sportsmanship: encourage the same by players and fans
place the emotional and physical well being of players at the top of your priorities (to include a safe playing environment)
not use tobacco, drugs or alcohol while involved in and around Little League games, practices and on-field activities
According to Little League Baseball, “The parents of millions of Little Leaguers combined with their children, league officials, umpires, managers, coaches and countless volunteer agencies including sponsors, represent an imposing cross section of our world. Parents must take the initiative to make the local program successful. Little League is not a club in which membership implies babysitting benefits and entertainment privileges. Practically speaking, Little League is an adult, volunteer work project constructed, supervised and assisted by parents who want to extend this benefit to their children. The parent who shirks this responsibility cannot, in turn, expect others to assume the burden.”
Every parent will:
present exemplary behavior during all Little League and/or related activities; remembering that all Managers, Coaches and Board Members are volunteers.
display and encourage sportsmanship at all times
demonstrate respect to Managers, Coaches, Umpires and players
help maintain a clean and safe playing environment
not use tobacco, drugs or alcohol while involved in and around Little League games, practices and on-field activities